Product survival guide

Thymus Vulgaris' or simply 'thyme' is a fragrant herb with needle-shaped leaves. Sun & dryness, those are its two holy grails. He cannot live without them.

Thyme grows well in full soil or in a pot. Make sure that the water can drain off well.

Thyme grows well in full soil or in a pot. Make sure that the water can drain off well.

Plant this classic in full sun!

Plant this classic in full sun!

This sunflower does not need much water. The soil can be quite dry.

This sunflower does not need much water. The soil can be quite dry.

Thyme likes a rocky soil. You can mimic this kind of habitat by adding some gravel to the soil.

Thyme likes a rocky soil. You can mimic this kind of habitat by adding some gravel to the soil.

It is best to prune this herb once a year. That way you stimulate growth.

It is best to prune this herb once a year. That way you stimulate growth.

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