Product survival guide

Moroccan mint can be used in many ways. Give it a good spot in the sun (with occasional shade) and you are good to go!

Mint grows anywhere: in a pot or in the ground. Keep in mind that mint is a fast-growing plant.

Mint grows anywhere: in a pot or in the ground. Keep in mind that mint is a fast-growing plant.

Place the Moroccan mint in half sun or full sun.

Place the Moroccan mint in half sun or full sun.

Give a splash of water now and then, but don't overdo it. Do keep an eye on it during drier periods.

Give a splash of water now and then, but don't overdo it. Do keep an eye on it during drier periods.

Generally speaking, Moroccan mint thrives in all types of soil and additional feeding is not necessary.

Generally speaking, Moroccan mint thrives in all types of soil and additional feeding is not necessary.

Keep the plant in check by giving it an occasional haircut. Prune it!

Keep the plant in check by giving it an occasional haircut. Prune it!

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