Product survival guide

Just like leaf parsley, taking care of curled parsley is a piece of cake. Ideal if you are just starting out with your herb garden or if you do not have such green fingers!

Curled parsley is perfect for growing in a pot. Outside, but also inside on your windowsill, you can enjoy it all year round. It also grows well in full soil.

Curled parsley is perfect for growing in a pot. Outside, but also inside on your windowsill, you can enjoy it all year round. It also grows well in full soil.

Curled parsley is best placed in semi-shade, interspersed with sun.

Curled parsley is best placed in semi-shade, interspersed with sun.

The soil can be kept slightly moist.

The soil can be kept slightly moist.

Curly-leaved parsley relies on a humus-rich and moisture-retaining soil. Fertilising the soil if necessary will not do any harm.

Curly-leaved parsley relies on a humus-rich and moisture-retaining soil. Fertilising the soil if necessary will not do any harm.

Can be done all year round. But it is not necessary.

Can be done all year round. But it is not necessary.

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