Product survival guide

Peppermint is the most popular mint variety. To come into its own, this plant needs a good place. Preferably in full sun or half-shadow. Once settled, this plant will grow at full speed.

Peppermint is quite dominant and can therefore overgrow other plants; which would be a shame! Preferably plant this herb in a pot.

Peppermint is quite dominant and can therefore overgrow other plants; which would be a shame! Preferably plant this herb in a pot.

Full sun or sun with occasional shade.

Full sun or sun with occasional shade.

Water this herb regularly and make sure it does not get too dry. Fortunately, it can take a beating!

Water this herb regularly and make sure it does not get too dry. Fortunately, it can take a beating!

Peppermint lives well in different kinds of soil but is especially a fan of alkaline soil. Fertilising with extra nutrients can do no harm.

Peppermint lives well in different kinds of soil but is especially a fan of alkaline soil. Fertilising with extra nutrients can do no harm.

Prune out overgrown branches during the summer to make room for new flowering.

Prune out overgrown branches during the summer to make room for new flowering.

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