Product survival guide

This must-have plant can be kept all year round as long as you keep it sufficiently moist. Chives do particularly well in calcium-rich soil.

Chives can be grown in the ground or in a planter.

Chives can be grown in the ground or in a planter.

It does not matter where you put chives. Chives can be placed in both sun and shade. Make sure there is enough water.

It does not matter where you put chives. Chives can be placed in both sun and shade. Make sure there is enough water.

Provide enough water by keeping the soil slightly moist. Do not let this plant dry out.

Provide enough water by keeping the soil slightly moist. Do not let this plant dry out.

If you grow the chives in a planter, then give your plant some extra nutrition, especially in the summer months. Once every 8 weeks is sufficient.

If you grow the chives in a planter, then give your plant some extra nutrition, especially in the summer months. Once every 8 weeks is sufficient.

You can prune chives to stimulate growth. But it is not necessary.

You can prune chives to stimulate growth. But it is not necessary.

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