Product survival guide

The plant originally comes from southern Europe. So it will come as no surprise that it loves the sun! Do not give your curry plant any 'wet feet'. Otherwise, it has few demands.

Grow your curry plant in a pot or in full soil. By the way, did you know that this is a hardy plant? You can enjoy it all year round.

Grow your curry plant in a pot or in full soil. By the way, did you know that this is a hardy plant? You can enjoy it all year round.

Let your curry plant show off in the full sun!

Let your curry plant show off in the full sun!

Give a little splash of water now and then, but don't overdo it.

Give a little splash of water now and then, but don't overdo it.

Curry doesn't really need any extra food, otherwise he risks losing his beautiful grey colour.

Curry doesn't really need any extra food, otherwise he risks losing his beautiful grey colour.

We recommend pruning this plant immediately after the summer (September - October).

We recommend pruning this plant immediately after the summer (September - October).

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